Tips To Get A Healthy Head Of Hair

Many people neglect your hair. Perhaps it is because of a lack of knowledge and confidence, about properly maintaining their hair. Coming up in the information below is helpful advice on how you can optimize the health of your hair.

If you desire to have a ponytail, avoid having the ponytail on the same spot when you have it. Even soft, fabric hair scrunchies can cause hair breakage if they are placed in the same part of your hair day after day. If you have to wear your hair in a ponytail for your job, make sure that you let your hair hang loose whenever you are not at work.

TIP! Trimming your hair frequently does not help it grow faster, this is a myth. Human hair grows around one half-inch each month, no matter how many times you trim it.

Don’t brush your hair when wet, if you want to avoid damage and keep hair healthy. Wet hair breaks easily, and brushing it can cause split ends. To keep damage low, brush the hair before washing or wait until it dries a bit.

Stay away from heavy conditioners if you have thin or fine hair. This only weighs your hair down giving it a thinner appearance. The best conditioners that avoid this problem are mouse-like conditioners and sprayed leave-in conditioners.

If your hair looks dry, try this at-home conditioner. Wash your hair and gently blot out any excess moisture, then apply a conditioner and put a plastic shower cap on for several minutes. The conditioner will penetrate the hair shaft as the heat from your scalp builds up under the shower cap.

TIP! Gently pat your hair dry with a towel rather than rubbing it violently. This causes your hair to frizz, and it stretches the strands of hair, causing them to potentially break.

Use hair products that have sunscreen, to avoid sun damage. Excessive sun damage can negate all that time you spend in front of the mirror getting your hair to look just right. Protecting your hair gives it long lasting health and color.

Salt Spray

To give your hair that look that says you just came out of the ocean, look for products that can mimic this look. Search for labels that say salt spray or the like. You can make your own salt spray by adding a tsp of salt to 8oz of water. If desired, you can also add lavender oil (ten drops) for a pleasant scent and moisturizing effect.

TIP! Choose a clarifying shampoo to restore life to dull, flat hair. Dulling of the hair can be caused by product accumulation.

Don’t shampoo your hair until 48 hours after the last time you’ve colored it. Some styling and hair care products can damage hair that has recently been colored. It doesn’t take much to re-open the cuticle. Exposure to water can be enough to do this. You will be rewarded when you are patient with shiny and healthy hair.

If you swim often, wet your hair thoroughly before entering the pool. Also, if you don’t want to swim with a cap on, you should wash your hair as soon as you get out of the pool to keep damage at a minimum.

Hair products that contain alcohol should be avoided, as these can cause hair dryness over time. Irritation or clogged pores can develop, so be careful to only get hair product on your hair. Both issues will lead to unhealthy looking hair.

TIP! Try switching to satin pillowcases to protect curls in the evening. Cotton pillowcases can dry out hair and absorb its oils.

When you exit the shower, don’t dry hair with a towel roughly. If not, you may find yourself damaging your hair. Rather, gently squeeze any excess moisture out of your hair. Once you have done that, pat the hair dry with the towel. You should only use a soft towel or other soft material that will not pull your hair.

As mentioned before, hairdressing sometimes goes on the back burner. This is usually because they don’t know what they should do to tend to their hair. Armed with your new hairdressing knowledge, you stand to achieve a beautiful head of hair in no time.

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